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Datalogic (Star: DAL.MI): board of directors approves half-year interim report as of 30 June 2007

Strong growth in profitability: EBITDA of € 25.8 million (+62.7% vs. 1H06), EBITANR  of € 19.8 million (+101.7% vs. 1H06). Consolidated net profit of € 7.9 million (net loss of € 2 million vs. 1H06). Net financial position negative by € 71.8 million (negative also at 31st December 2006, € 58.3 million, and at 30th June 2006, € 63 million)

Bologna, 10 August 2007 - The Board of Directors of Datalogic S.p.A. - a company listed in the Star segment of the Milan Stock Exchange, operating in the design, production and distribution of barcode reader systems and RFID (radio frequency identification devices) - approved the half-year interim report as of 30 June 2007 (1H07).

1H07 ended with consolidated sales revenues of € 199 million (mn), up by +5.3% vs. € 188.9 mn in the same period in the previous year (1H06).

Strong growth in profitability: EBITDA of € 25.8 mn (+62.7% vs. € 15.9 mn for 1H06); EBITANR of € 19.8 mn (+101.7% vs € 9.8 mn for 1H06).

Consolidated net profit of € 7.9 mn, a significant improvement compared to the negative result recorded at the end of 1H06 (€ 2 mn). At 31st March 2007 was € 4.3 mn.

In the second quarter of the year, consolidated revenues amounted to € 94.9 mn (+1.3% in comparison to € 93.7 mn in 2Q06, EBITDA of € 11.8 mn (+50% vs € 7.9 mn in 2Q06) and EBITANR* of € 8.8 mn (+85.2% vs. € 4.8 mn in 2Q06).  

The results achieved in the second quarter confirm significant improvement in comparison to the same period of last year, in spite of an unfavourable currency trend. In particular, we point out that the increase in profitability, expressed as EBITDA, for the period, was equal to approximately five percentage points compared to the first semester of 2006 (from 8.4% on sales to 13%).

With reference to separate business Divisions, set up on April 2nd 2007, sales (including intersegment sales) and segment results (before non-recurring costs/revenues and depreciation and amortization due to acquisitions), for the second quarter of the year, (in Euro million) are listed below:

Divisions                                   Sales                    Segment results

Datalogic Mobile                      20.98                                   2.45

Datalogic Automation               17.06                                   0.80

Datalogic Scanning                   46.88                                   5.26

Business Development             11.33                                   1.38

Unallocable costs/adj.             (1.35)                                  (1.09)

2Q 07 Total                              94.9                                      8.8

Unfortunately, reliable reclassification of 1Q07 and 1H06 figures, on the basis of the new Divisions of the Group, was not possible.

At 30 June 2007, the net financial position of Datalogic was negative by € 71.8 mn, worse both in comparison to its position at 31 December 2006 (negative by € 58.3 mn) and at 30 June 2006 (negative by € 63 million). We point out that, in the first semester treasury shares were bought for approximately € 12.2 mn and dividends were paid for € 3.8 mn.

The auditing activity for the half-year interim report has not yet been completed and the audit report will be available within the deadlines set at law. In addition, the attached income statement and balance sheet are reclassified forms and therefore they have not been subject to auditor verification.

"The growth in profitability in the first semester of the year was more significant than growth in sales - stated Roberto Tunioli, Datalogic CEO -. We are very pleased with this result that confirms the company's focus and ability to keep profitability above the average of our market". 

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