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Press Releases

Press Releases

Datalogic (Star: DAL.MI): order book growth in the first quarter of 2008 worth over € 107 million

Bologna 9 April 2008
- In the first quarter of the year the Datalogic Group achieved consolidated revenues for € 96.8 mn, down by 7% from € 104.1 mn in the same period in the previous year. With constant euro/usd exchange rates, the reduction would have been equal to 2% (proforma sales exceeding € 101.6 mn).

In any case, as more than 50% of the Group's costs are in USD, the revaluation of the Euro against USD generates a positive effect on P&L that more than offsets the reduction in revenues.

The first quarter of 2007 was particularly positive in terms of revenues as the Company planned the start-up of a significant reorganization on April 2nd and, with the aim of minimizing possible inefficiencies for customers, many orders, originally requested for April, were filled in March (in fact the lowest level of monthly sales was recorded in April, € 21.2 mn, versus an average of about € 33 mn/month in the course of the year).

The order book performance - i.e. orders already received - was particularly positive, with the total rising to € 107 mn during the 1st quarter of the year (at current exchange rates).

These are the preliminary revenue figures for Datalogic S.p.A., a company listed in the STAR segment, third largest world manufacturer and leader in Europe for bar code readers, rugged mobile computers, and RFID (radio frequency identification) systems.

The Board of Directors will meet on 14th May 2008 to approve the accounts at 31st March 2008.

The manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports - Dott. Marco Rondelli - declares, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Art. 154-bis of the Testo Unico della Finanza, that the accounting information contained in that press release corresponds to the document results, books and accounting records.

We highlight that on March 26th, the Company's Board of Directors adopted an updated version of the Organizational, Management and Control Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001.

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