Press Releases

Press Releases

Press Releases

Datalogic announces the appointment of the new Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors

Bologna, 30th December 2015 – Datalogic S.p.A. (Borsa Italiana S.p.A.: DAL) - a company listed in the STAR Segment of the Italian Stock Exchange managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (“Datalogic”) and a global leader in Automatic Data Capture and Industrial Automation markets, and world-class producer of bar code readers, mobile computers, sensors for detection, measurement and safety, vision systems and laser marking equipment - announces that following the resignation of the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors, Mr. Enrico Cervellera, his place has been taken by the Acting Auditor Mr. Mario Fuzzi.

Mr. Mario Fuzzi will remain as Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Datalogic S.p.A. until the date of the next Shareholders’ meeting.

The curriculum vitae of Mr. Fuzzi was made available to the market at the time of the Annual General Meeting held on 23th April 2013 and it’s filed at Borsa Italiana, at the registered office and on the Company's website (, together with the updated list of the current offices held by him.

Mr. Fuzzi has confirmed the statements - previously released at the time of His appointment as Acting Auditor – about (i) the possession of the requirements provided by law and by the Company’s Articles of Association in order to be appointed as Statutory Auditor, and (ii) the acceptance of His candidature.

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Datalogic Scheduled Maintenance, Sep 15th, 1.45 AM / 2.00 AM (CET)


Datalogic wants to make you aware that on Sep 15th, 1.45 AM / 2.00 AM (CET), there will be scheduled down time for approximately 15 minutes.
We will be using this time to add more capacity to our infrastructure and speed up our overall service.
During this maintenance window, our Corporate Website (, Partner Portal (Extranet) and all the related services will be inaccessible.
All system functionalities will resume immediately after the maintenance window.
We appreciate your patience and understanding.