Bologna, 22nd September 2005 - Net income for the first half of the year came to €5.6 million, compared with €4.4 million for the same period in 2004 (+27.1%).
Profitability is rising sharply: EBITDA climbed from €10.6 million at 30 June 2004 to €14.7 million (+39.6%), and EBIT from €8 to 11 million (+36.6%).
Revenues totalled €86.6 million, an increase of 28.4% on the H104 figure of €67.4 million.
The scope of consolidation has changed since 2004, with revenues now including those of Laservall (consolidated since the third quarter of 2004) and of Americana Informatics, acquired in March 2005 and immediately consolidated with the group.
These are the H105 figures approved today by the Board of Directors of Datalogic, a TechStar-listed company that designs, manufactures and distributes bar code readers and RFID (radio frequency identification) systems.
The order book (for deliveries within one year) amounted to €16.2 million at 30 June, an increase of 97% compared with June 2004 or of 64% on a like-for-like consolidation basis.
With the order book so much larger, Datalogic expects to see excellent full-year growth in connection with its expanding business and markets.
Looking more closely at the company's activities, the Data Capture division (Datalogic's traditional business in hand-held scanners, fixed scanners and mobile computers) reported revenues of €60.2 million (€60 million for the first half of 2004), while revenues by the Business Development division (RFIDs, self-scanning solutions, Laservall and Informatics) climbed from €7.3 million in H104 to €26.4 million this year.
A breakdown of business by regions shows especially good performance in Italy (+39.8%) and North America (+118%), the latter due in part to the recent acquisitions. Growth in the "rest of the world" (+25%) and Europe (+3%) also maintained its course.
The company has a net cash position of €27.9 million, compared with €35.9 million at 31 December 2004 and €37.8 million at the end of the previous June. The change is due mainly to the acquisition of Laservall and Informatics, which entailed a combined outlay of €21 million over the past 12 months.
"We are thrilled with our results for the first six months of the year," comments Datalogic CEO Roberto Tunioli, "and we are highly optimistic about full-year performance."